
letting go of the fears

Post Traumatic Stress is a condition that results when one is exposed to a traumatic event. The exposure can be because of being involved as participant in the event, witnessing the event, assisting with the event as a first responder, or from being told about the event and forming your own created “memory”.

Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress are:

Reliving – flashbacks, hallucinations, nightmares of the incident

  • Avoiding – avoiding people, places, things, or memories that remind the trauma

  • Excessive arousal – increased alertness, anger, fits of rage, irritability, or hatred, difficulty sleeping or concentrating

  • Intrusive negative distressing thoughts or feelings such as guilt

  • Flat affect- feeling little emotion, except numbness.

I have been trained in EMDR and ART, both which use eye movement or bilateral stimulation to access the emotional part of your memory. It is not hypnosis. You will always have the memory, but you can release the emotions and false beliefs that accompany the memory.

You can feel better.

“If you could ‘think your way out of this’, you would have done it already. Trauma is stored in your emotional memory, and one needs to feel their way clear of it.”